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How To Get Crystal Clear & Confident That The Book In Your Head Will Make It To The Shelf

Rated 5 out of 5 Stars by Thousands of Happy Customers!

Turn Your Thoughts Into a Book That People Love

What does the 'Book Starter Challenge' mean for you?

It's different for everyone...

For some, you're stuck in jobs you don't like and want to do something creative.

For others, you want to write a book but don't know how to start.

And some of you just want to find a way to share your ideas with more people.

Before I tell you what I want this 'Book Starter Challenge' to do for you, let me ask you something...

  • Do you feel lost in your own thoughts, not sure how to make them into a story?
  • Have you tried to write before but never finished?
  • Do you wish you could see your name on a book but don’t think you can do it or don’t know where to begin?

If you said 'yes' to any of these, I get it. I've been there.

But there's a way to move forward.

The 'Book Starter Challenge' is here to help you turn your ideas into the beginning of a real book.

I want to help you get past waiting and doubting yourself, and show you that writing a book is something you can really do.

So Here's How The Challenge Works:

By joining the Book Starter Challenge you will be propelled one step closer to being the successful person you were born to be.

Step 1: Sign Up for the Challenge

Join our Book Starter Challenge by registering today. For only $47, you'll unlock the door to clarity, confidence, and the completion of your book's outline and first proposal.

Step 2: Dive Into the Materials

Once you're in, you'll receive immediate access to all the challenge materials. These resources are designed to guide you through the process, providing clear, actionable steps to take your book from idea to outlined in no time.

Step 2: Dive Into the Materials

Once you're in, you'll receive immediate access to all the challenge materials. These resources are designed to guide you through the process, providing clear, actionable steps to take your book from idea to outlined in no time.

Step 3: Complete Your Challenge

With our structured approach, you'll have everything you need to break through writer's block and get your book on paper. Whether you choose to spread the work over 7 days or power through in an afternoon, we're here to support you every step of the way.

Step 4: Kickstart Your Journey To Authorship

You'll have created the seed for something I believe can be truly amazing: Your book. This will be the first, and most significant, step to getting it written. And you'll find that once you have this part, the book may even seem to write itself.

Step 4: Kickstart Your Journey To Authorship

You'll have created the seed for something I believe can be truly amazing: Your book. This will be the first, and most significant, step to getting it written. And you'll find that once you have this part, the book may even seem to write itself.

Here’s How The Book Starter Challenge Helps Soon-To-Be Authors...

Are you struggling to gain clarity and momentum on your book?

Do you need a time-bound, self-paced challenge that forces you to get over the resistance and break through writer’s block, finally?!

I've found that once you have the clarity and confidence, you become perfectly capable of getting your book done.

I've found that without a commitment and a deadline, your goal will continually be pushed to the back of the to-do list...

When you accept this challenge, I'll give you everything you need to get your outline and first proposal completed in 7 days or less!

In fact, it's designed to be completed in a single afternoon if you're really driven.

Summary Of What's Included:

Join today, and you'll get instant access to:
  • ​My Exact Process: Learn the exact system I use to begin each of my bestselling books, create clarity, and build the momentum needed to finish!
  • ​​Private Online Portal: Get step-by-step instructions on how to get your ideas out of your head and onto paper.
  • ​​A Proven Process to Gain Clarity & Confidence: Map out the who, what, and why of your book to gain clarity & momentum needed to finish!
  • Exclusive Training: Ability to reference this training & create a solid foundation before writing your book.

Who is the Book Starter Challenge for?

This challenge is tailor-made for those on the cusp of authorship, ready to leap over the barriers that all first-time authors face.

This is for you if:
  • You've dreamed of writing a book, whether to boost your business or to share your life's insights with the world.
  • You've stared at the daunting blank page, overwhelmed by where to start, paralyzed by the fear of the process, or worried about others' opinions, leading you to question your potential as an author.

What do I Want from You?

Bottom line... I want your commitment.

I've seen firsthand how commitment can transform potential into success, helping aspiring authors surpass their initial obstacles.

If you're set to embark on this journey, I'm here to guide you. This challenge is your starting line.

With immediate access to my resources, you're days away from crafting a solid book outline and proposal, pushing you toward the reality of holding your published work.

I'm extending my hand to help lift you to your dreams.

Are you ready to grasp it and rise to the challenge?

But Does It Work...?
Check Out What These Students Had To Say About It:

Brian brings excellence to all his books! This program has really made a huge difference in organizing and writing my book, along with great support!

Wilmington, DE
The step by step method to consolidate one's ideas to evolve a book in short time by Brian Tracy is quite amazing. Brian provides an easy-to-write method for putting together one's ideas into books. Just amazing!!!

I love this course, I am still in the process of researching, but I have learned so much more than I expected from this course, going to use it again and again!

Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Outstanding help from Brian Tracy giving me the Resources and Confidence to tell my Personal Story by writing my own Book!

Columbia, South Carolina
This is so timely and just what I needed to get going. Mr. Tracy has a systematic approached that is sure to help me and others.Thank You!

Midland, TX
I have learnt so much in a short span of time. I have to rethink about the book I am writing. I am using the knowledge from this program to write my book.

Nairobi, Kenya


Meet Your Challenge Host:

Hello, I'm Brian Tracy

Over the past 36 years, I've written 84+ books, and most have been international bestsellers. In fact, my book Eat That Frog! recently reached the significant milestone of selling 2.5 million copies worldwide.

My books have served as the seed to a multi-million dollar business, sharing my knowledge with others. My books have also opened many doors of opportunity, led to bigger and better stages, business ventures, and introduced my work to millions of people who may not have ever heard about me if not for my books.

But what I'm even more proud of than the books I've written are the books I've helped others write with my book writing method, and the messages I've helped get into the world from brilliant minds who just needed guidance on how to get a book out of their head and onto the shelf.

What we will be Doing

When you accept this challenge, you'll get access to my Bookstarter Challenge private online portal with step-by-step instructions on how to get your ideas out of your head and onto paper.

You'll learn my exact process for mapping out the who, what, and why of your book.

And we'll structure it so that it makes sense to you and potentially to a publisher too! (You won’t have to submit it to a publisher, but you’ll be able to).

I’m giving you everything you need on how to do it right the first time.

When done, you'll have the outline of your proposal completed. This is THE most significant step to get your book written.

You'll find that once you have this part, the book may even seem to write itself!

That always happens for me once I get the clarity that an outline or proposal provides.

Most importantly, you'll have a deadline of 7 days to finish, even though it shouldn't take you that long.

Everything You Need To Build Clarity, Confidence & Momentum.

Still Have Questions?

What exactly is the Book Starter Challenge?
The Book Starter Challenge is a step-by-step program designed to take you from a swirling storm of ideas to a structured, compelling manuscript. It's built for aspiring authors who want to turn their book dreams into reality but feel overwhelmed by where to start.
I've never written a book before. Is this challenge suitable for beginners?
Absolutely. The challenge is designed to guide beginners through every step of the writing process. You'll gain clarity, confidence, and the tools needed to start and finish your book, no matter your starting level.
How long does the challenge take to complete?
The challenge is designed to be flexible but can be completed in as little as a few days. It's self-paced, so you can work through it as quickly or slowly as your schedule allows.
What if I'm not sure what to write about?
No problem. Part of the challenge includes exercises to help you pinpoint the perfect topic for your book, one that resonates with you and your intended audience.
How do I know if the Book Starter Challenge is right for me?
If you've ever dreamed of writing a book but felt overwhelmed by the process, or if you've started writing but never finished, this challenge is designed for you. It's for anyone who wants a clear, structured path to finally writing and completing their book.
How is this different from other writing courses or challenges?
The Book Starter Challenge is uniquely focused on action and results. It's not just theory; it's a practical, step-by-step guide that covers everything from idea generation to manuscript completion, with lifetime access for ongoing support.
What if I don't have a lot of time to write?
The challenge is designed for busy people. It breaks down the book writing process into manageable steps, so you can make progress even if you only have a small amount of time each day.
What kind of results can I expect from completing the challenge?
By the end of the challenge, you should have a clear outline of your book and significant progress on your manuscript, along with the skills and confidence to continue to the finish line.
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