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The Exact Path You Need To Make This Year Your Best Year

Instead of waiting until January 1st to get back on track, we’ll show you a way to make this year even better than you planned it to be

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Your investment is covered by my Iron-Clad 30-day, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Dear Reader,

Brian Tracy here and I wanted to share with you an unspoken truth that hits every entrepreneur at some point in their career. 

Does any of this sound familiar? 
  • Goals and quotas lagging behind where you thought they’d be by now?
  • Feeling exhausted working tons of hours and yet those “yearly goals” still seem out-of-reach?
  • Seeing people around you “getting lucky” and achieving their goals well before the year is done?
If any of these feel like you, then what I’m about to share with you today is going to make a big difference on how this year turns out for you. 

Before We Go Any Further, Let’s Talk About The Experiences That Entrepreneurs All Face…

  • First off, let’s talk about “goals and quotas being behind.” After 40+ years of working with business owners just like you, I’ve never met one person who didn’t have goals and targets that were off track at many times in their career.

    You might be surprised to know that every business owner who’s “going for it” sets big targets and falls short at times.
  • Next, let’s talk about the “working hard yet not feeling like you’re getting anywhere” issue. Believe it or not, this is a common experience for anyone doing anything important or meaningful. The key is figuring out “what to do with these feelings” and we’ll cover that shortly in this letter. 
  • Lastly, ever feel like “everyone else is lucky” and you’re still stuck? Well, truth be told, I have never met anyone who doesn’t feel that way sometimes. 

    Whether it’s a competitor beating you out for that big contract (even though your bid was better than theirs) or someone you know just nailing down their goals 6 months early, it’s easy to slip into feeling like everyone else is getting “lucky.”

    I promise you, it isn’t “luck.” I also promise you that I’m going to share with you how to “manufacture” luck in this short letter. Keep reading.
As you can see, you’re not the only one who feels these common irritations. I continually tell people I coach that “if you’re doing anything important, then there will be times when you’re off track.” 

The only people who are “always on track” are the ones who aren’t setting meaningful goals and targets and just “coast through life.” A hard truth, yes, but after many decades working with people just like you, I’ve found this to be accurate. 

I Want To Share This Unspoken Truth That Will Shift How You See Your Goals If You’re Willing to Believe It…

Okay, here it is. 


Everyone who does anything important gets off track countless times. 

It’s what you do when you’re there that separates the winners from the people who stay where they are!

Here’s What You Can Do Right Now To Get Your Year Back On Track…

  • If your sales are off track: there are ways you can change how you sell and nurture prospects. 
  • If your team isn’t performing: you can change how you manage and lead them starting today.
  • If your profits aren’t where you need them: you can re-engineer how your company operates so more money drops to the bottom line.
  • ​If your career isn’t where you thought it would be: you can make a change and open up a new business that pays you for the value that you create.
Easy for me to say…I realize that. 

Are you ready for the resources that will help you achieve it? 

Introducing the “End The Year Strong” Bundle

If you’ve read this far, I know a few things about you…
  • You’re busy and working hard
  • You’re not seeing the results that you want in your business and career
  • You’re looking to make a change
With that in mind, I went into my library and my team and I asked, “What specific and actionable resources can I provide my readers with that will help them make this year their best year?”

After filtering and weeding out a lot of good options, my team and I curated the best resources that you can start putting into action TODAY to get where you want to go.

Product #1:

The 12 Disciplines Of Leadership Excellence

Based on insights from leadership guru, Dr. Peter Chee and myself, you'll receive a hands-on leadership guide showcasing 12 key disciplines for top-notch leadership. Master essential skills: clarity, vision, competence, character, team care, leading change, and more. Harness our tested methods to become an inspirational leader.
Transform Your Leadership and Take Your Organization to New Heights.
  • Learn the 12 key disciplines to become an exceptional leader
  • Gain practical strategies to master skills like clarity, control, character, competence and more
  • ​Uplift and enable your team to reach their full potential

Product #2:

21 Great Ways to Become a Sales Superstar

Get my audio program, featuring 21 proven techniques to boost your sales dramatically. Learn to build credibility, grab attention, foster relationships, and seal more deals. Even if you use just one of my top strategies, you'll be able to elevate your sales.
Unlock Your Potential and Become a Sales Superstar
  • Discover proven methods to build credibility, close more deals, and boost income
  • Learn my master sales techniques that will help develop your top sales skills
  • ​Apply immediately to start making more sales and earning more money

Product #3:

21 Great Ways to Become an Outstanding Manager

Get an audio guide with 21 proven techniques for standout management and leadership. Learn to motivate, recruit the best, and boost performance and profits. With techniques from top managers, one strategy can transform your team.
Transform Yourself into an Elite Manager and Leader
  • Learn proven methods to motivate your team, maximize leadership skills, and drive profits
  • Created by a top business executive and COO to develop elite management capabilities
  • ​Apply immediately to lead your team to success, propel your career, and boost income

Product #4:

21 Great Ways to Build a High Profit Business

Get a program with 21 strategies to skyrocket profits and growth. Learn to predict profits, satisfy customers, motivate teams, outpace competitors, and boost cash flow. Used by the author for record industry growth, just one tip can surge your revenue. 
Unlock the Secrets to Rapid Business Growth and Sky-High Profits
  • Learn field-tested methods to improve efficiency, exceed customer expectations, and dominate your industry
  • Created by a veteran entrepreneur with decades of experience growing successful companies
  • ​Apply immediately to increase revenue, motivate your team, and take your profits to new heights

Product #5:

21 Great Ways to Start and Build Your

Own Successful Business

Unlock 21 strategies to launch and scale a thriving business. Learn to pinpoint ideal customers, craft a business plan, market efficiently, focus on sales, and manage time. These tools have molded million-dollar companies. 
Build Your Dream Business from the Ground Up and Achieve Financial Freedom
  • Learn field-tested methods to identify your ideal customers, boost sales, and maximize profits
  • Created by a self-made entrepreneur to help you avoid failure and achieve long-term success
  • ​Apply immediately to decide on the right business, create a profitable plan, and manage your time

To Sweeten It Up Further I’ve Included A Special Bonus

I’ve designed the previous bundle of training to help you make this year your best year yet. I’ve cut out all the fluff and provided you with some of the best materials I’ve ever created so you can make changes immediately. 

However, I wanted to make this package irresistible. After coaching thousands of entrepreneurs, I’ve noticed one of the biggest issues is with “closing sales.” Whether it’s fear about asking for the sale, poor followup, or a mix of the two, ineffective closing skills keeps most people from reaching their targets for the year.

To solve that, I’m including a special audio series called “24 Techniques for Closing The Sale”. This is a special program that’s entirely designed to take away all the fear and struggle with closing the sale. Putting this to use immediately upon making your investment today, you’ll increase your sales and get your goals back on track. 
Your investment is covered by my Iron-Clad 30-day, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Here's What Makes This Life-Changing Package Different…

First off, let’s talk about what this isn’t going to be…
  • It’s not going to take you 3 weeks to watch and consume these products. I know you’re busy and working hard to achieve your goals. Most of these are audio programs you can listen to in your car, at the gym, or during your breaks. They’re designed to be put to use TODAY
  • You’re not going to spend 1000’s of dollars to execute this either. Most of the training, you can do for little to no cost. In fact, this course is designed to pay for itself quickly even if you put just 1 idea into action IMMEDIATELY
Right now, the price for the “End The Year Strong” bundle is $49. Even if you generate just 1 additional sale from what I share, this course pays for itself. 

Buy The "End The Year Strong" Bundle Today.

Your investment is covered by my Iron-Clad 30-day, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
To Sweeten This Deal Even Further,
I Offer This Guarantee…
Because I’m so sure that these training sessions will help make this year your best year, like it has for 100’s of other business owners before you, I’ll take away all the risk.

Your investment is covered by my Iron-Clad 30-day, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

Buy the End The Year Strong Bundle, and put everything in it to use. If, within 30 days of your purchase, you don't believe it's worth the investment, you can return the products for a full refund. 

No questions asked.

Sound good?

It's time to start building your million-dollar business – regardless of what's going on in the world around you.

Frequently Ask Questions

Can I download my virtual training course videos?
No. Virtual training course videos cannot be downloaded. You will always need internet connection to access the videos on the E-Learning platform.
How do I invest in this program?
E-Learning programs is a convenient way to view video training materials at your home, office, or on the go-on your mobile device. Every video lesson is complete with an action guide worksheet that you can use to follow along and use to track your progress. To access the E-Learning catalog and view all our online video training course materials visit our store.
How do I access my E-Learning account?
An eLearning username and password will be provided to you upon the purchase of an online E-Learning course. In the case of a lost username or password, please contact To access your account, please input your login information on our my account section.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept all Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and PayPal.
How long does it take for me to get a refund?
Refunds for the price of the product will be made within 7-14 days. Refunds are made to the purchasing credit card and if the card has expired, we will need the new expiration date in order to expedite your refund.
Your investment is covered by my Iron-Clad 30-day, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
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